Loyalty is not the same as it once used to be. People move on fast and forget faster and the best dis-loyalty tool is the mobile phone because it pumps tempting offers and inform them of alternative and your competitor in seconds!
Admit it, we all use our mobile phone search tools like our life depended on it.
One of the problems many small businesses face is the challenge to stay current, modern and up to date. The temptations to scale up and expand instead of focussing on their core brand and what they stand for is often erased from any growth plans. For example, although I enjoyed the odd facial a this local beauty salon, I never quite figured out what they really stood for because they seem to offer all sorts of bits and bobs in the salon.. I take many felt the same way…
So I am going to focus on salons at the moment because I think they face a growing challenge each day from the swelling mobile provider.
How about your salon? Sometimes it is tempting to scale up by trying to innovate, hire more and invest in the next best computer systems, but if you take your eye off your brand’s core values, your clients will slowly start to move away from you.
That of course, does not mean you are not to leap from your current situation to the next stage (whatever that might be), but as you do, here are some things worth remembering…
If you don’t know what your salon brand stands for neither do your clients (we do hair is not enough) Perhaps you should consider another way that you can grow stronger and that could be by scaling back to basics.
If you don’t know where you are driving, chances of arriving anywhere is pretty slim
The latest computer systems do not mean higher sales, could have the opposite effect
Here are 5 tips to get you started on the right path to scaling back:
Ugly flyers can give you more than you need to get busy on a Tuesday afternoon and ultimately.
Every quarter, it is wise to unplug, review, re-evaluate, then set in goals, visions, and targets.
It is wise to craft your salon message than learn how to communicate with your clients.
Use Social media it can be cheaper and very effective. If you stop promotions and marketing you will cut the lifeline from your sales so don’t.
If you don’t understand your individual team member’s needs and aspirations you will always be having staff walkouts (their needs is not what you think they are) Keeping your staff happy can bring in more sales.
… so the moral of this message is, when you are thinking about scaling up, remember, it’s not always about expansions and latest technological innovations, think holistically, think outside the box and remember sometimes scaling back will give you the boost you need to eventually scale up.
After all, when you give a cat some cream they purr, keeping your customers and enticing them to sell your exceptional services is worth investing some quality thinking time each quarter and then acting upon it.
Happy scaling back and leaping from this to that onto making your clients happy.
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